Beloved Community
RED thread circle offerings
RED thread circle offerings
Red Thread CirclesThe ultimate reset.
This time can move you into your inner wisdom and a place of peace. Red Thread Circles are a place for people to gather together for creative processing, story and wisdom sharing, poetry and inspirational writings, and digging thoroughly into the good stuff of life. Red Thread Circles are a place to feel fearless belonging; dropping in to your own body, and taking in that deep breath of ease that comes from feeling held, witnessed, and cared for. It is also lively, full of laughter, and 'ah-ha!' moments for the soul. What is a Red Thread Circle? A Red Thread Circle begins with the passing of a physical ball of red thread that is wrapped around each person's wrist to represent our deep interconnection to each other. It is said that the thread may twist or tangle but it will never break. The theme for this month’s circle "Letting Go" Just as important as making resolutions that help you reach a goal, is actively letting go of the past. Letting go opens you to possibility and in possibility growth and change happen. We will all have the opportunity to do an art journaling exercise. (bring your own art journal) |